Darid Technology
DARID has developed Body Dryer Slim: a minimalist, intuitive and attractive product that enhances the drying experience. It’s cutting-edge technology ensures a smooth drying from head to toe.

The combination of power and air temperature provides the most optimal drying on the market.

It incorporates an EPA (Efficiency Par ticulate Arresting) cer tified filter which holds 98.99% of the air par ticles, including bacteria and viruses.

The energy consumption of each drying process is 30 times lower than the costs of the washing process of a towel.

Each drying session with Body Dryer Slim saves 70 liters of water, curbs pollution, avoids the use of detergents, and reduces the CO2 emissions from washing a towel by 0.55 kg.

An effortless drying experience which provides greater autonomy to all users.

User benefits from DARID’s high versatility. The IP24 protection index allows installation in any environment: indoors and outdoors, public, private and leisure spaces.
Design and functionality for daily use

Patented technology
DARID offers a drying syste with patented technology.
Quality control
DARID guarantees the reliability and durability of its products thanks to the use of materials of the best qualities. CE certificate.
DARID offers 2 year guarantee.
Includes parts and labour.
Easy wall fixing system adapted to indoor and outdoor. Installation included.
Afer-sales service
Contact us at service@darid.es